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Password Safe 3.63 Portable

2-09-2023, 14:05. Разместил: firolec
Password Safe 3.63 Portable

Программа, которая позволяет вам иметь множество паролей для программ и интернет-сайтов, с которыми вы имеете дело, фактически без необходимости помнить все эти многочисленные имена пользователей (логины) и пароли. Password Safe - программа, представляющая собой базу данных для хранения паролей. Как и многие другие подобные программы, коммерческие и бесплатные, она хранит ваши пароли в зашифрованном файле, позволяя вам помнить только один пароль ("сейфовую комбинацию") вместо всех комбинаций имен пользователей/паролей, которыми вы пользуетесь.

Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single "Master Password" of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list. Security starts with you, the user. Keeping written lists of passwords on scraps of paper, or in a text document on your desktop is unsafe and is easily viewed by prying eyes (both cyber-based and human). Using the same password over and over again across a wide spectrum of systems and web sites creates the nightmare scenario where once someone has figured out one password, they have figured out all your passwords and now have access to every part of your life (system, e-mail, retail, financial, work).


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Password Safe allows you to manage your old passwords and to easily and quickly generate, store, organize, retrieve, and use complex new passwords, using password policies that you control. Once stored, your user names and passwords are just a few clicks away.

Using Password Safe you can organize your passwords using your own customizable references—for example, by user ID, category, web site, or location. You can choose to store all your passwords in a single encrypted master password list (an encrypted password database), or use multiple databases to further organize your passwords (work and home, for example). And with its intuitive interface you will be up and running in minutes.

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10/11
Год выхода: 2023
Размер (7z): 10 Мб
архив не запаролен

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