WinRAR 7.0 Final Portable

Мощный архиватор для Windows, средство создания архивов и управления ими. Возможности WinRAR: полная поддержка архивов RAR и ZIP, оригинальный высокоэффективный алгоритм сжатия данных, специальный алгоритм мультимедиа-сжатия, оболочка с поддержкой технологии перетащить-и-оставить (drag & drop), интерфейс командной строки, управление архивами других форматов (CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z), поддержка непрерывных (solid) архивов, в которых степень сжатия может быть на 10 – 50% больше, чем при обычных методах сжатия, особенно при упаковке значительного количества небольших похожих файлов, поддержка многотомных архивов. Последняя версия поддерживает 7z-архивы с алгоритмом сжатия LZMA2.
WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR supports all popular compression formats (RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip).

WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries particularly well. WinRAR allows you to split archives into separate volumes easily, making it possible to save them on several disks for example. WinRAR is also ideal, if you are sending data through the web. Its 128 bit password encryption and its authenticated signature technology will give you the peace of mind you have been looking for.
New RAR 5.0 archiving format. You can use "RAR 5.0" option in archiving dialog or -ma command line switch to create RAR 5.0 archives.
Older software including older WinRAR versions is not able to decompress RAR 5.0 archives, so if you plan to send an archive to other people, it is necessary to take the compatibility issue into consideration. You can select "RAR" instead of "RAR5" option in archiving dialog to create RAR 4.x archives compatible with previous WinRAR versions.
Changes in RAR 5.0 compression algorithm:
- Maximum compression dictionary size is increased up to 1 GB in 64 bit WinRAR.
- Default dictionary size for RAR 5.0 is 32 MB.
- RAR 5.0 decompression can utilize several CPU cores.
RAR 5.0 recovery record is based on Reed-Solomon error correction codes. If recovery record size is large enough, 5% and more,the new error correction scheme provides much higher resistance to multiple damages comparing to RAR 4.x recovery record.
Encryption algorithm is changed from AES-128 to AES-256 in CBC mode.
Maximum path length for files in RAR and ZIP archives is increased up to 2048 characters.
Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10/11
Год выхода: 2024
Размер (zip): 62 Мб
архив не запаролен
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