POP Peeper 5.4.6 Portable

Добавил firolec 28 ноябрь, 2023 01:45 Другой софт / Интернет-сети Комментариев: 0   
POP Peeper 5.4.6 Portable

Программа, служащая для уведомления пользователей о появлении в их почтовом ящике новой электронной почты. В утилите имеется встроенный предварительный просмотр сообщений с поддержкой писем в формате HTML, так что вы будете видеть сообщения точно так же, как если бы просматривали их при помощи обычного почтового клиента. Используя POP Peeper вы можете удалять ненужные письма с сервера, не загружая их на компьютер, смотреть и сохранять вложенные в письма файлы. Количество обслуживаемых почтовых ящиков не ограничено. Поддерживаются протоколы и сервисы POP3, IMAP (включая GMail, AOL, AIM, Netscape, FastMail и т.д.), SMTP, GMail, HotmailMSNLiveMail, Yahoo, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, Lycos.com, RediffMail, Juno, NetZero.

POP Peeper is an email notifier that runs in your Windows task bar and alerts you when you have new email on your POP3, IMAP (with IDLE support), HotmailMSNLiveMail, Yahoo, GMail, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, iWon, Lycos.com, RediffMail, Juno and NetZero accounts. IMAP supports allows you to access AOL, AIM, Netscape and other services. Send mail directly from POP Peeper and use the address book to email your frequently used contacts. POP Peeper allows you to view messages using HTML or you can choose to safely view all messages in rich or plain text. Several options are available that will decrease or eliminate the risks of reading your email (viruses, javascript, webbugs, etc).


POP Peeper can be run from a portable device and can be password protected. Many notification options are availble to indicate when new mail has arrived, such as sound alerts (configurable for each account), flashing scroll lock, skinnable popup notifier, customized screensaver and more.

Primary Features
Easy Setup - accounts are imported from your existing email client(s)
Supports POP3, IMAP (including GMail, AOL, AIM, Netscape, FastMail, etc), SMTP, GMail, HotmailMSNLiveMail, Yahoo, Mail.com, MyWay, Excite, iWon, Lycos.com, RediffMail, Juno, NetZero
IDLE is supported for IMAP accounts which allows instant notification when new mail arrives in your inbox
Read, delete, print and reply to Email without opening your email client
Send email directly from POP Peeper
HTML email support
Password protection
Address book
Options to protect you from messages that contain viruses and web bugs
Send, save and open file attachments
Run POP Peeper off your portable storage device
No account limit -- notifies you of an unlimited number of accounts
Many ways to receive new mail notification: skinnable desktop alerts, audio, flashing scroll lock LED and more
Specify how often all accounts are checked for new mail or set individual intervals for each account
Extensive help with useful tips and information

Email Notification Options
Sound notifications: single sound for any new mail, or a customized sound for each account
Tray icon notification that display the color and number of new messages for each account
Flashing scroll lock LED
Windows popup alert indicating which account(s) received new email
Automatically open POP Peeper or launch your email client when new email is received
Skinnable popup (optional download)
ScreenSaver (optional download)
Chime can repeat a sound until acknowledged andor launch another program when new mail arrives (optional download)

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/10/11
Год выхода: 2023
Размер (7z): 11 Мб
архив не запаролен

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