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Watchdog Anti-Malware

Добавил weef007 16 январь, 2022 12:33 Другой софт / Антивирусы-безопасность Комментариев: 0   
Watchdog Anti-Malware

Watchdog Anti-Malware - представляет собой высокоэффективный сканер, способный оперативно выявлять и блокировать уже проникшие на ваш компьютер вредоносные программы.
Инструмент позволяет обнаруживать вредоносные файлы, а также подозрительные ключи, сертификаты, настройки или исполняемые файлы.

Быстро нейтрализует все вредоносные программы; вирусы, трояны, черви, шпионское и рекламное ПО! Работает с вашим существующим программным обеспечением безопасности без конфликтов! Удаляет ненужные приложения, раздражающие панели инструментов или надстройки браузера. Простой в использовании с минимальными затратами ресурсов устройства - не замедляет работу вашего ПК.

Our highly acclaimed multi-engine anti-malware software helps keep your computer secure. Advanced Malware Detection and Removal, Browser Hijacker Removal, Effective Rootkit and Bootkit Detection and Removal, Real Time Protection, Anti Ransomware Protection Modules.

How It Works
Launch Watchdog Anti-Malware, sit back, relax, and let our malware scanner do its magic!

First you simply start a scan in order to find suspicious files in your PC


Заработок на размещении своих файлов

When our software finds a suspicious file, it passes the fingerprint to our Cloud Scanning Platform where many different anti-virus engines perform checks

Watchdog Anti-Malware rapidly sets about removing any confirmed malicious software

Real Time Protection
Watchdog Anti-Malware uses our Cloud Scanning Platform, a highly optimized cluster of servers running several anti-virus engines with the latest updates. This provides you with the power of multi-engine scanning any downsides such as drains on system resources or conflicts between programs.

Multi-Engine Malware Scanner
It’s simply not practical to install dozens of different anti-virus programs on your computer because they’ll conflict with each other and slow your system down, but even if you could it would be prohibitively expensive. We’ve come up with a way to provide you with several anti-virus scanners to catch malware that your primary anti-virus program misses — all at a fraction of the price. And it is point-and-click easy to use. Watchdog Anti-Malware is designed to neutralize viruses, trojans, rootkits, worms, spyware and adware.


Watchdog Anti-Malware uses our Cloud Scanning Platform, a highly optimized cluster of servers running several anti-virus engines with the latest updates. This provides you with the power of multi-engine scanning without any of the downsides such as drains on system resources or conflicts between programs.

Watchdog Anti-Malware is extremely optimized and lightweight. Our software engineers designed it to work out of the box without the need to tinker with confusing settings. Simply start a scan and wait a few minutes while it searches your computer and eliminates threats.

Watchdog Anti-Malware

Год: 2022
: Windows 7, 8, 8.1,10,11
Интерфейс: ML/Русский
Лекарство: в комплекте
Размер: 14,2

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