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Ashampoo HDD Control 3.10.01 Portable

Добавил firolec 28 март, 2016 17:18 Другой софт / Система Комментариев: 0   
Ashampoo HDD Control 3.10.01 Portable

Программа для контроля за состоянием жестких дисков. Выполняет обслуживание HDD, позволяет предотвратить потенциальные отказы и неполадки, прежде чем они произойдут. Поддерживает жёсткие диски типа IDE и последовательные ATA. Ashampoo HDD Control предоставляет пользователю всю важную информацию о дисках, включая регистрационный номер, версию BIOS, размер кэша, количество разделов, свободном месте на диске и текущей температуре. C помощью Ashampoo HDD Control вы также сможете выполнить дефрагментацию дисков, очистку от ненужных файлов и произвести тестирование HDD.

Be honest. In the digital era where bits and bytes have the day, does anyone really think about which tasks are performed by the hardware found in your typical computer? Integrated hardware components, in particular highly delicate hard drives, are hard at work every day. As long as the drive is functioning properly, you are lulled into a false sense of security. However, when the trusted hard drive suddenly fails, this is more than just a minor inconvenience. The resulting loss of data is often immensely damaging. Ashampoo HDD Control is therefore ideally suited to boost the performance of your drive, guard against disk failure and remove clutter from your hard drives, while performing all three functions of monitoring, maintenance and defragmentation.


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* Background guard continuously monitors status, performance and temperature
* In-depth explanations and information on context-sensitive help
* Displays all current SMART files with detailed explanations
* Able to export reports for support purposes
* Fully configurable temperature monitoring available in Celsius and Fahrenheit
* Option to automatically save all incidents in separate log
* Simple controls and GUI including color schemes
* Easy and automatic software updates

* Powerful, high-speed disk clean-up
* Objects found can be configured and managed in shortcut menus
* Objects found can be managed using intelligent filter mechanisms
* New exception rules can be created manually or automatically
* Supports the latest generation of browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera)
* Wide range of options to customize configuration to meet user requirements
* High level of security thanks to years of experience and advanced cookie management

* Self-monitoring, analysis, status reports on imminent failures
* Evaluation of health and performance status of your hard drive(s)
* Range of evaluation criteria available for customized configuration
* S.M.A.R.T. technology provides information on (if supported by drive):
o Number of hours in operation and start-up processes
o Error rate during positioning
o Start/stop processes of drive heads
o Number of parking sequences for write/read units
o Disk calibration attempts
o Reallocations (in event of bad disk sectors)
o Controller hard drive transfer rate (defective cable)
o And many more
* Temperature display including early warning of overheating
* Email alerts to notify user that condition of hard drive(s) has deteriorated and failure is imminent
* Direct link to Windows event log

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10
Год выхода: 2016
Размер (RAR): 14 Мб
Информация для восстановления: 5%
архив не запаролен

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