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IDM UltraCompare Pro Portable

Добавил firolec 04 апрель, 2020 19:43 Другой софт / Утилиты Комментариев: 0   
IDM UltraCompare Pro Portable

Текстовый редактор для нахождения отличий в документах. UltraCompare может помочь найти разницу между файлами, папками и Zip-архивами. Возможность автоматической интеграции в UltraEdit-32 или UEStudio. Программа может выполнять сравнение по тексту или же по двоичному коду. UltraCompare поддерживает работу с командной строкой, есть возможность игнорирования заданных фрагментов. В строке состояния отображается количество различных блоков, также предусмотрена возможность поиска различий в папках путём рекурсивного сравнения директории и всех её поддиректорий. Программа пригодится программистам, системным администраторам, тем, кто имеет дело с большими документами и редактированием текстов.

Compare Text Files and Folders with UltraCompare Professional. A complement to your file management suite, UltraCompare Professional is loaded with features to enable you to compare text files and folders, as well as zip files and jar archives. Text file compare features include binary and text compare of two or three text files at a time, with the ability to merge text differences between compared files. Folder compare supports comparison of local/network directories (and subdirectories with recursive folder compare) and zip file compare as well, and like text/binary compare, you can merge differences between compared directories.


RuCaptcha - первая русскоязычная распозновалка капч

Chances are if you're reading this you already use UltraEdit, but you probably don't have UltraCompare Professional yet. You may not realize how important such a text file compare tool is or how versatile it can be.

You may have even used UltraCompare Lite but are now finding that this lightweight comparison utility is not robust enough for your text editing purposes. UltraCompare Professional boasts a fuller text compare feature set with text file compare for two or three files AND includes folder compare for two to three folders. Of course, we've also included merge capabilities, ignore options, FTP support, and more.

What can UltraCompare Professional do for you? Take our tour...

Compare text
Do you work with text files and ever lose your place or forget which is the most current file? Ever wished you could easily compare the differences between file versions?

If you are inspecting your file or code changes by hand you are losing precious time, accuracy and productivity. Compare and merge operations are the cornerstone of a differences tool, and we have placed many merge/post-merge features into UltraCompare so you can easily compare your differences and merge your selections with confidence and trust. Whether you are a lone developer or work as part of a team, how many times have you wanted to compare your text files or compare source code to modified versions, and merge your changes into the newer versions?

System Administration
We all know to make backups - but what happens when something goes wrong and you need to compare your legacy backup with your current backup? Ever needed to compare SQL files between two databases? That's where a compare/merge/sync tool can help.

Remote Files
Do you find yourself needing to compare FTP files? Use UltraCompare's integrated FTP/SFTP to download your text files from the remote server, perform compare/merge operations, then save your files back to the server.

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10
Год выхода: 2020
Размер (7z): 42 Мб
архив не запаролен

Download / Скачать IDM UltraCompare Pro Portable

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